Atomistic Foundation Models have emerged as powerful tools in molecular and materials science. However, the diverse implementations of these open-source models, with their varying architectures and interfaces, create significant barriers for customized fine-tuning and downstream applications.
MatterTune is a comprehensive platform that addresses these challenges through systematic yet general abstraction of Atomistic Foundation Model architectures. By adopting a modular design philosophy, MatterTune provides flexible and concise user interfaces that enable intuitive and efficient fine-tuning workflows.
Key Features
Pre-trained Model Support
Seamlessly work with multiple state-of-the-art pre-trained models including:
Flexible Property Predictions
Support for various molecular and materials properties:
Energy prediction
Force prediction (both conservative and non-conservative)
Stress tensor prediction
Custom system-level property predictions
Data Processing
Built-in support for multiple data formats:
XYZ files
ASE databases
Materials Project database
Matbench datasets
Custom datasets
Training Features
Automated train/validation splitting
Multiple loss functions (MAE, MSE, Huber, L2-MAE)
Property normalization and scaling
Early stopping and model checkpointing
Comprehensive logging with WandB, TensorBoard, and CSV support