Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Annotated, Literal

import nshconfig as C
import numpy as np
import torch
from ase import Atoms
from typing_extensions import TypeAliasType, assert_never, override

from .loss import LossConfig

    from ase import Atoms

    from .metrics import MetricBase

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DType = TypeAliasType("DType", Literal["float"])
"""The type of the property values."""

ASECalculatorPropertyName = TypeAliasType(

[docs] class PropertyConfigBase(C.Config, ABC): name: str """The name of the property. This is the key that will be used to access the property in the output of the model. This is also the key that will be used to access the property in the ASE Atoms object.""" dtype: DType """The type of the property values.""" loss: LossConfig """The loss function to use when training the model on this property.""" loss_coefficient: float = 1.0 """The coefficient to apply to this property's loss function when training the model."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def from_ase_atoms(self, atoms: Atoms) -> int | float | np.ndarray | torch.Tensor: """Extract the property value from an ASE Atoms object."""
[docs] @classmethod def metric_cls(cls) -> type[MetricBase]: from .metrics import PropertyMetrics return PropertyMetrics
def _torch_dtype(self) -> torch.dtype: """Internal helper to convert the dtype to a torch dtype.""" match self.dtype: case "float": return torch.float case _: assert_never(self.dtype) def _numpy_dtype(self): """Internal helper to convert the dtype to a numpy dtype.""" match self.dtype: case "float": return np.float32 case _: assert_never(self.dtype) def _from_ase_atoms_to_torch(self, atoms: Atoms) -> torch.Tensor: """Internal helper to convert the property value from an ASE Atoms object to a torch tensor.""" value = self.from_ase_atoms(atoms) return torch.tensor(value, dtype=self._torch_dtype())
[docs] @abstractmethod def ase_calculator_property_name(self) -> ASECalculatorPropertyName | None: """ If this property can be calculated by an ASE calculator, returns the name of the property that the ASE calculator uses. Otherwise, returns None. This should only return non-None for properties that are supported by the ASE calculator interface, i.e.: - 'energy' - 'forces' - 'stress' - 'dipole' - 'charges' - 'magmom' - 'magmoms' Note that this does not refer to the new experimental custom property prediction support feature in ASE, but rather the built-in properties that ASE can calculate in the ``ase.calculators.calculator.Calculator`` class. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def property_type(self) -> Literal["system", "atom"]: ...
[docs] def prepare_value_for_ase_calculator(self, value: float | np.ndarray): """Convert the property value to a format that can be used by the ASE calculator.""" return value
[docs] class GraphPropertyConfig(PropertyConfigBase): type: Literal["graph_property"] = "graph_property" reduction: Literal["mean", "sum", "max"] """The reduction to use for the output. - "sum": Sum the property values for all atoms in the system. This is optimal for extensive properties (e.g. energy). - "mean": Take the mean of the property values for all atoms in the system. This is optimal for intensive properties (e.g. density). - "max": Take the maximum of the property values for all atoms in the system. This is optimal for properties like the `last phdos peak` of Matbench's phonons dataset. """
[docs] @override def from_ase_atoms(self, atoms): return[]
[docs] @override def ase_calculator_property_name(self): return None
[docs] @override def property_type(self): return "system"
[docs] class EnergyPropertyConfig(PropertyConfigBase): type: Literal["energy"] = "energy" name: str = "energy" """The name of the property. This is the key that will be used to access the property in the output of the model.""" dtype: DType = "float" """The type of the property values."""
[docs] @override def from_ase_atoms(self, atoms): return atoms.get_total_energy()
[docs] @override def ase_calculator_property_name(self): return "energy"
[docs] @override def prepare_value_for_ase_calculator(self, value): if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): return value.item() return value
[docs] @override def property_type(self): return "system"
[docs] class ForcesPropertyConfig(PropertyConfigBase): type: Literal["forces"] = "forces" name: str = "forces" """The name of the property. This is the key that will be used to access the property in the output of the model.""" dtype: DType = "float" """The type of the property values.""" conservative: bool """ Whether the forces are energy conserving. This is used by the backbone to decide the type of output head to use for this property. Conservative force predictions are computed by taking the negative gradient of the energy with respect to the atomic positions, whereas non-conservative forces may be computed by other means. """
[docs] @override def from_ase_atoms(self, atoms): return atoms.get_forces()
[docs] @override def ase_calculator_property_name(self): return "forces"
[docs] @override def property_type(self): return "atom"
[docs] class StressesPropertyConfig(PropertyConfigBase): type: Literal["stresses"] = "stresses" name: str = "stresses" """The name of the property. This is the key that will be used to access the property in the output of the model.""" dtype: DType = "float" """The type of the property values.""" conservative: bool """ Similar to the `conservative` parameter in `ForcesPropertyConfig`, this parameter specifies whether the stresses should be computed in a conservative manner. """
[docs] @override def from_ase_atoms(self, atoms): return atoms.get_stress()
[docs] @override def ase_calculator_property_name(self): return "stress"
[docs] @override def prepare_value_for_ase_calculator(self, value): assert isinstance(value, np.ndarray), "Stress must be a numpy array." from ase.constraints import full_3x3_to_voigt_6_stress return full_3x3_to_voigt_6_stress(value.reshape((3, 3)))
[docs] @override def property_type(self): return "system"
PropertyConfig = TypeAliasType( "PropertyConfig", Annotated[ GraphPropertyConfig | EnergyPropertyConfig | ForcesPropertyConfig | StressesPropertyConfig, C.Field( description="The configuration for the property.", discriminator="type", ), ], )