from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Annotated, Any, Literal
import nshconfig as C
from typing_extensions import TypeAliasType
class CSVLoggerConfig(C.Config):
type: Literal["csv"] = "csv"
save_dir: str
"""Save directory for logs."""
name: str = "lightning_logs"
"""Experiment name. Default: ``'lightning_logs'``."""
version: int | str | None = None
"""Experiment version. If not specified, automatically assigns the next available version.
Default: ``None``."""
prefix: str = ""
"""String to put at the beginning of metric keys. Default: ``''``."""
flush_logs_every_n_steps: int = 100
"""How often to flush logs to disk. Default: ``100``."""
def create_logger(self):
"""Creates a CSVLogger instance from this config."""
from lightning.pytorch.loggers.csv_logs import CSVLogger
return CSVLogger(
class WandbLoggerConfig(C.Config):
type: Literal["wandb"] = "wandb"
name: str | None = None
"""Display name for the run. Default: ``None``."""
save_dir: str = "."
"""Path where data is saved. Default: ``.``."""
version: str | None = None
"""Sets the version, mainly used to resume a previous run. Default: ``None``."""
offline: bool = False
"""Run offline (data can be streamed later to wandb servers). Default: ``False``."""
dir: str | None = None
"""Same as save_dir. Default: ``None``."""
id: str | None = None
"""Same as version. Default: ``None``."""
anonymous: bool | None = None
"""Enables or explicitly disables anonymous logging. Default: ``None``."""
project: str | None = None
"""The name of the project to which this run will belong. Default: ``None``."""
log_model: Literal["all"] | bool = False
"""Whether/how to log model checkpoints as W&B artifacts. Default: ``False``.
If 'all', checkpoints are logged during training.
If True, checkpoints are logged at the end of training.
If False, no checkpoints are logged."""
prefix: str = ""
"""A string to put at the beginning of metric keys. Default: ``''``."""
experiment: Any | None = None # Run | RunDisabled | None
"""WandB experiment object. Automatically set when creating a run. Default: ``None``."""
checkpoint_name: str | None = None
"""Name of the model checkpoint artifact being logged. Default: ``None``."""
additional_init_parameters: dict[str, Any] = {}
"""Additional parameters to pass to wandb.init(). Default: ``{}``."""
def create_logger(self):
"""Creates a WandbLogger instance from this config."""
from lightning.pytorch.loggers.wandb import WandbLogger
# Pass all parameters except additional_init_parameters to constructor
base_params = {
k: v
for k, v in self.model_dump().items()
if k != "additional_init_parameters" and k != "type"
# Merge with additional init parameters
return WandbLogger(**base_params, **self.additional_init_parameters)
class TensorBoardLoggerConfig(C.Config):
type: Literal["tensorboard"] = "tensorboard"
save_dir: str
"""Save directory where TensorBoard logs will be saved."""
name: str | None = "lightning_logs"
"""Experiment name. Default: ``'lightning_logs'``. If empty string, no per-experiment subdirectory is used."""
version: int | str | None = None
"""Experiment version. If not specified, logger auto-assigns next available version.
If string, used as run-specific subdirectory name. Default: ``None``."""
log_graph: bool = False
"""Whether to add computational graph to tensorboard. Requires model.example_input_array to be defined.
Default: ``False``."""
default_hp_metric: bool = True
"""Enables placeholder metric with key `hp_metric` when logging hyperparameters without a metric.
Default: ``True``."""
prefix: str = ""
"""String to put at beginning of metric keys. Default: ``''``."""
sub_dir: str | None = None
"""Sub-directory to group TensorBoard logs. If provided, logs are saved in
``/save_dir/name/version/sub_dir/``. Default: ``None``."""
additional_params: dict[str, Any] = {}
"""Additional parameters passed to tensorboardX.SummaryWriter. Default: ``{}``."""
def create_logger(self):
"""Creates a TensorBoardLogger instance from this config."""
from lightning.pytorch.loggers.tensorboard import TensorBoardLogger
# Pass all parameters except additional_params to constructor
base_params = {
k: v
for k, v in self.model_dump().items()
if k != "additional_params" and k != "type"
# Merge with additional tensorboard parameters
return TensorBoardLogger(**base_params, **self.additional_params)
LoggerConfig = TypeAliasType(
CSVLoggerConfig | WandbLoggerConfig | TensorBoardLoggerConfig,
C.Field(description="Logger configuration.", discriminator="type"),