
class mattertune.configs.main.CSVLoggerConfig(*, type='csv', save_dir, name='lightning_logs', version=None, prefix='', flush_logs_every_n_steps=100)[source]
  • type (Literal['csv'])

  • save_dir (str)

  • name (str)

  • version (int | str | None)

  • prefix (str)

  • flush_logs_every_n_steps (int)

type: Literal['csv']
save_dir: str

Save directory for logs.

name: str



Experiment name. Default

version: int | str | None

Experiment version. If not specified, automatically assigns the next available version. Default: None.

prefix: str



String to put at the beginning of metric keys. Default

flush_logs_every_n_steps: int



How often to flush logs to disk. Default


Creates a CSVLogger instance from this config.

class mattertune.configs.main.EarlyStoppingConfig(*, monitor='val/total_loss', min_delta=0.0, patience=3, verbose=False, mode='min', strict=True, check_finite=True, stopping_threshold=None, divergence_threshold=None, check_on_train_epoch_end=None, log_rank_zero_only=False)[source]
  • monitor (str)

  • min_delta (float)

  • patience (int)

  • verbose (bool)

  • mode (Literal['min', 'max'])

  • strict (bool)

  • check_finite (bool)

  • stopping_threshold (float | None)

  • divergence_threshold (float | None)

  • check_on_train_epoch_end (bool | None)

  • log_rank_zero_only (bool)

monitor: str

Quantity to be monitored.

min_delta: float

Minimum change in monitored quantity to qualify as an improvement. Changes of less than or equal to min_delta will count as no improvement. Default: 0.0.

patience: int



Number of validation checks with no improvement after which training will be stopped. Default

verbose: bool



Whether to print messages when improvement is found or early stopping is triggered. Default

mode: Literal['min', 'max']

One of ‘min’ or ‘max’. In ‘min’ mode, training stops when monitored quantity stops decreasing; in ‘max’ mode it stops when the quantity stops increasing. Default: 'min'.

strict: bool



Whether to raise an error if monitored metric is not found in validation metrics. Default

check_finite: bool



Whether to stop training when the monitor becomes NaN or infinite. Default

stopping_threshold: float | None



Stop training immediately once the monitored quantity reaches this threshold. Default

divergence_threshold: float | None



Stop training as soon as the monitored quantity becomes worse than this threshold. Default

check_on_train_epoch_end: bool | None

Whether to run early stopping at the end of training epoch. If False, check runs at validation end. Default: None.

log_rank_zero_only: bool



Whether to log the status of early stopping only for rank 0 process. Default

class mattertune.configs.main.MatterTunerConfig(*, data, model, trainer=TrainerConfig(accelerator='auto', strategy='auto', num_nodes=1, devices='auto', precision='32-true', deterministic=None, max_epochs=None, min_epochs=None, max_steps=-1, min_steps=None, max_time=None, val_check_interval=None, check_val_every_n_epoch=1, log_every_n_steps=None, gradient_clip_val=None, gradient_clip_algorithm=None, checkpoint=None, early_stopping=None, loggers='default', additional_trainer_kwargs={}))[source]
  • data (DataModuleConfig)

  • model (ModelConfig)

  • trainer (TrainerConfig)

data: DataModuleConfig

The configuration for the data.

model: ModelConfig

The configuration for the model.

trainer: TrainerConfig

The configuration for the trainer.

class mattertune.configs.main.ModelCheckpointConfig(*, dirpath=None, filename=None, monitor=None, verbose=False, save_last=None, save_top_k=1, save_weights_only=False, mode='min', auto_insert_metric_name=True, every_n_train_steps=None, train_time_interval=None, every_n_epochs=None, save_on_train_epoch_end=None, enable_version_counter=True)[source]
  • dirpath (str | None)

  • filename (str | None)

  • monitor (str | None)

  • verbose (bool)

  • save_last (Literal[True, False, 'link'] | None)

  • save_top_k (int)

  • save_weights_only (bool)

  • mode (Literal['min', 'max'])

  • auto_insert_metric_name (bool)

  • every_n_train_steps (int | None)

  • train_time_interval (timedelta | None)

  • every_n_epochs (int | None)

  • save_on_train_epoch_end (bool | None)

  • enable_version_counter (bool)

dirpath: str | None



Directory to save the model file. Default

filename: str | None



Checkpoint filename. Can contain named formatting options. Default

monitor: str | None



Quantity to monitor. Default

verbose: bool



Verbosity mode. Default

save_last: Literal[True, False, 'link'] | None



When True or “link”, saves a ‘last.ckpt’ checkpoint when a checkpoint is saved. Default

save_top_k: int



If save_top_k=k, save k models with best monitored quantity. Default

save_weights_only: bool



If True, only save model weights. Default

mode: Literal['min', 'max']



One of {‘min’, ‘max’}. For ‘min’ training stops when monitored quantity stops decreasing. Default

auto_insert_metric_name: bool



Whether to automatically insert metric name in checkpoint filename. Default

every_n_train_steps: int | None



Number of training steps between checkpoints. Default

train_time_interval: timedelta | None



Checkpoints are monitored at the specified time interval. Default

every_n_epochs: int | None



Number of epochs between checkpoints. Default

save_on_train_epoch_end: bool | None



Whether to run checkpointing at end of training epoch. Default

enable_version_counter: bool



Whether to append version to existing filenames. Default


Creates a ModelCheckpoint callback instance from this config.

class mattertune.configs.main.TrainerConfig(*, accelerator='auto', strategy='auto', num_nodes=1, devices='auto', precision='32-true', deterministic=None, max_epochs=None, min_epochs=None, max_steps=-1, min_steps=None, max_time=None, val_check_interval=None, check_val_every_n_epoch=1, log_every_n_steps=None, gradient_clip_val=None, gradient_clip_algorithm=None, checkpoint=None, early_stopping=None, loggers='default', additional_trainer_kwargs={})[source]
  • accelerator (str)

  • strategy (str | Strategy)

  • num_nodes (int)

  • devices (list[int] | str | int)

  • precision (Literal[64, 32, 16] | ~typing.Literal['transformer-engine', 'transformer-engine-float16', '16-true', '16-mixed', 'bf16-true', 'bf16-mixed', '32-true', '64-true'] | ~typing.Literal['64', '32', '16', 'bf16'] | None)

  • deterministic (bool | Literal['warn'] | None)

  • max_epochs (int | None)

  • min_epochs (int | None)

  • max_steps (int)

  • min_steps (int | None)

  • max_time (str | timedelta | dict[str, int] | None)

  • val_check_interval (int | float | None)

  • check_val_every_n_epoch (int | None)

  • log_every_n_steps (int | None)

  • gradient_clip_val (int | float | None)

  • gradient_clip_algorithm (str | None)

  • checkpoint (ModelCheckpointConfig | None)

  • early_stopping (EarlyStoppingConfig | None)

  • loggers (Sequence[LoggerConfig] | Literal['default'])

  • additional_trainer_kwargs (dict[str, Any])

accelerator: str

Supports passing different accelerator types (“cpu”, “gpu”, “tpu”, “ipu”, “hpu”, “mps”, “auto”) as well as custom accelerator instances.

strategy: str | Strategy

Supports different training strategies with aliases as well custom strategies. Default: "auto".

num_nodes: int

Number of GPU nodes for distributed training. Default: 1.

devices: list[int] | str | int

The devices to use. Can be set to a sequence of device indices, “all” to indicate all available devices should be used, or "auto" for automatic selection based on the chosen accelerator. Default: "auto".

precision: _PRECISION_INPUT | None

Double precision (64, ‘64’ or ‘64-true’), full precision (32, ‘32’ or ‘32-true’), 16bit mixed precision (16, ‘16’, ‘16-mixed’) or bfloat16 mixed precision (‘bf16’, ‘bf16-mixed’). Can be used on CPU, GPU, TPUs, HPUs or IPUs. Default: '32-true'.

deterministic: bool | Literal['warn'] | None

If True, sets whether PyTorch operations must use deterministic algorithms. Set to "warn" to use deterministic algorithms whenever possible, throwing warnings on operations that don’t support deterministic mode. If not set, defaults to False. Default: None.

max_epochs: int | None

Stop training once this number of epochs is reached. Disabled by default (None). If both max_epochs and max_steps are not specified, defaults to max_epochs = 1000. To enable infinite training, set max_epochs = -1.

min_epochs: int | None

Force training for at least these many epochs. Disabled by default (None).

max_steps: int

Stop training after this number of steps. Disabled by default (-1). If max_steps = -1 and max_epochs = None, will default to max_epochs = 1000. To enable infinite training, set max_epochs to -1.

min_steps: int | None

Force training for at least these number of steps. Disabled by default (None).

max_time: str | timedelta | dict[str, int] | None

Stop training after this amount of time has passed. Disabled by default (None). The time duration can be specified in the format DD:HH:MM:SS (days, hours, minutes seconds), as a datetime.timedelta, or a dictionary with keys that will be passed to datetime.timedelta.

val_check_interval: int | float | None

How often to check the validation set. Pass a float in the range [0.0, 1.0] to check after a fraction of the training epoch. Pass an int to check after a fixed number of training batches. An int value can only be higher than the number of training batches when check_val_every_n_epoch=None, which validates after every N training batches across epochs or during iteration-based training. Default: 1.0.

check_val_every_n_epoch: int | None

Perform a validation loop every after every N training epochs. If None, validation will be done solely based on the number of training batches, requiring val_check_interval to be an integer value. Default: 1.

log_every_n_steps: int | None

How often to log within steps. Default: 50.

gradient_clip_val: int | float | None

The value at which to clip gradients. Passing gradient_clip_val=None disables gradient clipping. If using Automatic Mixed Precision (AMP), the gradients will be unscaled before. Default: None.

gradient_clip_algorithm: str | None

The gradient clipping algorithm to use. Pass gradient_clip_algorithm="value" to clip by value, and gradient_clip_algorithm="norm" to clip by norm. By default it will be set to "norm".

checkpoint: ModelCheckpointConfig | None

The configuration for the model checkpoint.

early_stopping: EarlyStoppingConfig | None

The configuration for early stopping.

loggers: Sequence[LoggerConfig] | Literal['default']

The loggers to use for logging training metrics.

If "default", will use the CSV logger + the W&B logger if available. Default: "default".

additional_trainer_kwargs: dict[str, Any]

Additional keyword arguments for the Lightning Trainer.

This is for advanced users who want to customize the Lightning Trainer, and is not recommended for beginners.