
class mattertune.configs.AdamConfig(*, name='Adam', lr, eps=1e-08, betas=(0.9, 0.999), weight_decay=0.0, amsgrad=False)[source]
  • name (Literal['Adam'])

  • lr (Annotated[float, Gt(gt=0)])

  • eps (Annotated[float, Ge(ge=0)])

  • betas (tuple[Annotated[float, Gt(gt=0)], Annotated[float, Gt(gt=0)]])

  • weight_decay (Annotated[float, Ge(ge=0)])

  • amsgrad (bool)

name: Literal['Adam']

name of the optimizer.

lr: C.PositiveFloat

Learning rate.

eps: C.NonNegativeFloat


betas: tuple[C.PositiveFloat, C.PositiveFloat]


weight_decay: C.NonNegativeFloat

Weight decay.

amsgrad: bool

Whether to use AMSGrad variant of Adam.

class mattertune.configs.AdamWConfig(*, name='AdamW', lr, eps=1e-08, betas=(0.9, 0.999), weight_decay=0.01, amsgrad=False)[source]
  • name (Literal['AdamW'])

  • lr (Annotated[float, Gt(gt=0)])

  • eps (Annotated[float, Ge(ge=0)])

  • betas (tuple[Annotated[float, Gt(gt=0)], Annotated[float, Gt(gt=0)]])

  • weight_decay (Annotated[float, Ge(ge=0)])

  • amsgrad (bool)

name: Literal['AdamW']

name of the optimizer.

lr: C.PositiveFloat

Learning rate.

eps: C.NonNegativeFloat


betas: tuple[C.PositiveFloat, C.PositiveFloat]


weight_decay: C.NonNegativeFloat

Weight decay.

amsgrad: bool

Whether to use AMSGrad variant of Adam.

class mattertune.configs.AutoSplitDataModuleConfig(*, batch_size, num_workers='auto', pin_memory=True, dataset, train_split, validation_split='auto', shuffle=True, shuffle_seed=42)[source]
  • batch_size (int)

  • num_workers (int | Literal['auto'])

  • pin_memory (bool)

  • dataset (DatasetConfig)

  • train_split (float)

  • validation_split (float | Literal['auto', 'disable'])

  • shuffle (bool)

  • shuffle_seed (int)

dataset: DatasetConfig

The configuration for the dataset.

train_split: float

The proportion of the dataset to include in the training split.

validation_split: float | Literal['auto', 'disable']

The proportion of the dataset to include in the validation split.

If set to “auto”, the validation split will be automatically determined as the complement of the training split, i.e. validation_split = 1 - train_split.

If set to “disable”, the validation split will be disabled.

shuffle: bool

Whether to shuffle the dataset before splitting.

shuffle_seed: int

The seed to use for shuffling the dataset.

class mattertune.configs.CSVLoggerConfig(*, type='csv', save_dir, name='lightning_logs', version=None, prefix='', flush_logs_every_n_steps=100)[source]
  • type (Literal['csv'])

  • save_dir (str)

  • name (str)

  • version (int | str | None)

  • prefix (str)

  • flush_logs_every_n_steps (int)

type: Literal['csv']
save_dir: str

Save directory for logs.

name: str



Experiment name. Default

version: int | str | None

Experiment version. If not specified, automatically assigns the next available version. Default: None.

prefix: str



String to put at the beginning of metric keys. Default

flush_logs_every_n_steps: int



How often to flush logs to disk. Default


Creates a CSVLogger instance from this config.

class mattertune.configs.CosineAnnealingLRConfig(*, type='CosineAnnealingLR', T_max, eta_min=0, last_epoch=-1)[source]
  • type (Literal['CosineAnnealingLR'])

  • T_max (int)

  • eta_min (float)

  • last_epoch (int)

type: Literal['CosineAnnealingLR']

Type of the learning rate scheduler.

T_max: int

Maximum number of iterations.

eta_min: float

Minimum learning rate.

last_epoch: int

The index of last epoch.

class mattertune.configs.CutoffsConfig(*, main, aeaint, qint, aint)[source]
  • main (float)

  • aeaint (float)

  • qint (float)

  • aint (float)

main: float
aeaint: float
qint: float
aint: float
classmethod from_constant(value)[source]

value (float)

class mattertune.configs.DBDatasetConfig(*, type='db', src, energy_key=None, forces_key=None, stress_key=None, preload=True)[source]

Configuration for a dataset stored in an ASE database.

  • type (Literal['db'])

  • src (Database | str | Path)

  • energy_key (str | None)

  • forces_key (str | None)

  • stress_key (str | None)

  • preload (bool)

type: Literal['db']

Discriminator for the DB dataset.

src: Database | str | Path

Path to the ASE database file or a database object.

energy_key: str | None

Key for the energy label in the database.

forces_key: str | None

Key for the force label in the database.

stress_key: str | None

Key for the stress label in the database.

preload: bool

Whether to load all the data at once or not.

class mattertune.configs.DataModuleBaseConfig(*, batch_size, num_workers='auto', pin_memory=True)[source]
  • batch_size (int)

  • num_workers (int | Literal['auto'])

  • pin_memory (bool)

batch_size: int

The batch size for the dataloaders.

num_workers: int | Literal['auto']

The number of workers for the dataloaders.

This is the number of processes that generate batches in parallel.

If set to “auto”, the number of workers will be automatically set based on the number of available CPUs.

Set to 0 to disable parallelism.

pin_memory: bool

Whether to pin memory in the dataloaders.

This is useful for speeding up GPU data transfer.

Return type:


abstract dataset_configs()[source]
Return type:


abstract create_datasets()[source]
Return type:


class mattertune.configs.DatasetConfigBase[source]
abstract create_dataset()[source]
Return type:



Prepare the dataset for training.

Use this to download and prepare data. Downloading and saving data with multiple processes (distributed settings) will result in corrupted data. Lightning ensures this method is called only within a single process, so you can safely add your downloading logic within this method.

classmethod ensure_dependencies()[source]

Ensure that all dependencies are installed.

This method should raise an exception if any dependencies are missing, with a message indicating which dependencies are missing and how to install them.

class mattertune.configs.EarlyStoppingConfig(*, monitor='val/total_loss', min_delta=0.0, patience=3, verbose=False, mode='min', strict=True, check_finite=True, stopping_threshold=None, divergence_threshold=None, check_on_train_epoch_end=None, log_rank_zero_only=False)[source]
  • monitor (str)

  • min_delta (float)

  • patience (int)

  • verbose (bool)

  • mode (Literal['min', 'max'])

  • strict (bool)

  • check_finite (bool)

  • stopping_threshold (float | None)

  • divergence_threshold (float | None)

  • check_on_train_epoch_end (bool | None)

  • log_rank_zero_only (bool)

monitor: str

Quantity to be monitored.

min_delta: float

Minimum change in monitored quantity to qualify as an improvement. Changes of less than or equal to min_delta will count as no improvement. Default: 0.0.

patience: int



Number of validation checks with no improvement after which training will be stopped. Default

verbose: bool



Whether to print messages when improvement is found or early stopping is triggered. Default

mode: Literal['min', 'max']

One of ‘min’ or ‘max’. In ‘min’ mode, training stops when monitored quantity stops decreasing; in ‘max’ mode it stops when the quantity stops increasing. Default: 'min'.

strict: bool



Whether to raise an error if monitored metric is not found in validation metrics. Default

check_finite: bool



Whether to stop training when the monitor becomes NaN or infinite. Default

stopping_threshold: float | None



Stop training immediately once the monitored quantity reaches this threshold. Default

divergence_threshold: float | None



Stop training as soon as the monitored quantity becomes worse than this threshold. Default

check_on_train_epoch_end: bool | None

Whether to run early stopping at the end of training epoch. If False, check runs at validation end. Default: None.

log_rank_zero_only: bool



Whether to log the status of early stopping only for rank 0 process. Default

class mattertune.configs.EnergyPropertyConfig(*, name='energy', dtype='float', loss, loss_coefficient=1.0, type='energy')[source]
  • name (str)

  • dtype (DType)

  • loss (LossConfig)

  • loss_coefficient (float)

  • type (Literal['energy'])

type: Literal['energy']
name: str

The name of the property.

This is the key that will be used to access the property in the output of the model.

dtype: DType

The type of the property values.


Extract the property value from an ASE Atoms object.


If this property can be calculated by an ASE calculator, returns the name of the property that the ASE calculator uses. Otherwise, returns None.

This should only return non-None for properties that are supported by the ASE calculator interface, i.e.: - ‘energy’ - ‘forces’ - ‘stress’ - ‘dipole’ - ‘charges’ - ‘magmom’ - ‘magmoms’

Note that this does not refer to the new experimental custom property prediction support feature in ASE, but rather the built-in properties that ASE can calculate in the ase.calculators.calculator.Calculator class.


Convert the property value to a format that can be used by the ASE calculator.

class mattertune.configs.EqV2BackboneConfig(*, properties, optimizer, lr_scheduler=None, ignore_gpu_batch_transform_error=True, normalizers={}, name='eqV2', checkpoint_path, atoms_to_graph)[source]
  • properties (Sequence[PropertyConfig])

  • optimizer (OptimizerConfig)

  • lr_scheduler (LRSchedulerConfig | None)

  • ignore_gpu_batch_transform_error (bool)

  • normalizers (Mapping[str, Sequence[NormalizerConfig]])

  • name (Literal['eqV2'])

  • checkpoint_path (Path | CachedPath)

  • atoms_to_graph (FAIRChemAtomsToGraphSystemConfig)

name: Literal['eqV2']

The type of the backbone.

checkpoint_path: Path | CE.CachedPath

The path to the checkpoint to load.

atoms_to_graph: FAIRChemAtomsToGraphSystemConfig

Configuration for converting ASE Atoms to a graph.

classmethod ensure_dependencies()[source]

Ensure that all dependencies are installed.

This method should raise an exception if any dependencies are missing, with a message indicating which dependencies are missing and how to install them.


Creates an instance of the finetune module for this configuration.

properties: Sequence[PropertyConfig]

Properties to predict.

optimizer: OptimizerConfig


lr_scheduler: LRSchedulerConfig | None

Learning Rate Scheduler

ignore_gpu_batch_transform_error: bool

Whether to ignore data processing errors during training.

normalizers: Mapping[str, Sequence[NormalizerConfig]]

Normalizers for the properties.

Any property can be associated with multiple normalizers. This is useful for cases where we want to normalize the same property in different ways. For example, we may want to normalize the energy by subtracting the atomic reference energies, as well as by mean and standard deviation normalization.

The normalizers are applied in the order they are defined in the list.

class mattertune.configs.ExponentialConfig(*, type='ExponentialLR', gamma)[source]
  • type (Literal['ExponentialLR'])

  • gamma (float)

type: Literal['ExponentialLR']

Type of the learning rate scheduler.

gamma: float

Multiplicative factor of learning rate decay.

class mattertune.configs.FAIRChemAtomsToGraphSystemConfig(*, radius, max_num_neighbors)[source]

Configuration for converting ASE Atoms to a graph for the FAIRChem model.

  • radius (float)

  • max_num_neighbors (int)

radius: float

The radius for edge construction.

max_num_neighbors: int

The maximum number of neighbours each node can send messages to.

class mattertune.configs.FinetuneModuleBaseConfig(*, properties, optimizer, lr_scheduler=None, ignore_gpu_batch_transform_error=True, normalizers={})[source]
  • properties (Sequence[PropertyConfig])

  • optimizer (OptimizerConfig)

  • lr_scheduler (LRSchedulerConfig | None)

  • ignore_gpu_batch_transform_error (bool)

  • normalizers (Mapping[str, Sequence[NormalizerConfig]])

properties: Sequence[PropertyConfig]

Properties to predict.

optimizer: OptimizerConfig


lr_scheduler: LRSchedulerConfig | None

Learning Rate Scheduler

ignore_gpu_batch_transform_error: bool

Whether to ignore data processing errors during training.

normalizers: Mapping[str, Sequence[NormalizerConfig]]

Normalizers for the properties.

Any property can be associated with multiple normalizers. This is useful for cases where we want to normalize the same property in different ways. For example, we may want to normalize the energy by subtracting the atomic reference energies, as well as by mean and standard deviation normalization.

The normalizers are applied in the order they are defined in the list.

abstract classmethod ensure_dependencies()[source]

Ensure that all dependencies are installed.

This method should raise an exception if any dependencies are missing, with a message indicating which dependencies are missing and how to install them.

abstract create_model()[source]

Creates an instance of the finetune module for this configuration.

Return type:


class mattertune.configs.ForcesPropertyConfig(*, name='forces', dtype='float', loss, loss_coefficient=1.0, type='forces', conservative)[source]
  • name (str)

  • dtype (DType)

  • loss (LossConfig)

  • loss_coefficient (float)

  • type (Literal['forces'])

  • conservative (bool)

type: Literal['forces']
name: str

The name of the property.

This is the key that will be used to access the property in the output of the model.

dtype: DType

The type of the property values.

conservative: bool

Whether the forces are energy conserving.

This is used by the backbone to decide the type of output head to use for this property. Conservative force predictions are computed by taking the negative gradient of the energy with respect to the atomic positions, whereas non-conservative forces may be computed by other means.


Extract the property value from an ASE Atoms object.


If this property can be calculated by an ASE calculator, returns the name of the property that the ASE calculator uses. Otherwise, returns None.

This should only return non-None for properties that are supported by the ASE calculator interface, i.e.: - ‘energy’ - ‘forces’ - ‘stress’ - ‘dipole’ - ‘charges’ - ‘magmom’ - ‘magmoms’

Note that this does not refer to the new experimental custom property prediction support feature in ASE, but rather the built-in properties that ASE can calculate in the ase.calculators.calculator.Calculator class.

class mattertune.configs.GraphPropertyConfig(*, name, dtype, loss, loss_coefficient=1.0, type='graph_property', reduction)[source]
  • name (str)

  • dtype (DType)

  • loss (LossConfig)

  • loss_coefficient (float)

  • type (Literal['graph_property'])

  • reduction (Literal['mean', 'sum', 'max'])

type: Literal['graph_property']
reduction: Literal['mean', 'sum', 'max']

The reduction to use for the output. - “sum”: Sum the property values for all atoms in the system. This is optimal for extensive properties (e.g. energy). - “mean”: Take the mean of the property values for all atoms in the system. This is optimal for intensive properties (e.g. density). - “max”: Take the maximum of the property values for all atoms in the system. This is optimal for properties like the last phdos peak of Matbench’s phonons dataset.


Extract the property value from an ASE Atoms object.


If this property can be calculated by an ASE calculator, returns the name of the property that the ASE calculator uses. Otherwise, returns None.

This should only return non-None for properties that are supported by the ASE calculator interface, i.e.: - ‘energy’ - ‘forces’ - ‘stress’ - ‘dipole’ - ‘charges’ - ‘magmom’ - ‘magmoms’

Note that this does not refer to the new experimental custom property prediction support feature in ASE, but rather the built-in properties that ASE can calculate in the ase.calculators.calculator.Calculator class.

class mattertune.configs.HuberLossConfig(*, name='huber', delta=1.0, reduction='mean')[source]
  • name (Literal['huber'])

  • delta (float)

  • reduction (Literal['mean', 'sum'])

name: Literal['huber']
delta: float

The threshold value for the Huber loss function.

reduction: Literal['mean', 'sum']

How to reduce the loss values across the batch.

  • "mean": The mean of the loss values.

  • "sum": The sum of the loss values.

class mattertune.configs.JMPBackboneConfig(*, properties, optimizer, lr_scheduler=None, ignore_gpu_batch_transform_error=True, normalizers={}, name='jmp', ckpt_path, graph_computer)[source]
  • properties (Sequence[PropertyConfig])

  • optimizer (OptimizerConfig)

  • lr_scheduler (LRSchedulerConfig | None)

  • ignore_gpu_batch_transform_error (bool)

  • normalizers (Mapping[str, Sequence[NormalizerConfig]])

  • name (Literal['jmp'])

  • ckpt_path (Path | CachedPath)

  • graph_computer (JMPGraphComputerConfig)

name: Literal['jmp']

The type of the backbone.

ckpt_path: Path | CE.CachedPath

The path to the pre-trained model checkpoint.

graph_computer: JMPGraphComputerConfig

The configuration for the graph computer.


Creates an instance of the finetune module for this configuration.

classmethod ensure_dependencies()[source]

Ensure that all dependencies are installed.

This method should raise an exception if any dependencies are missing, with a message indicating which dependencies are missing and how to install them.

properties: Sequence[PropertyConfig]

Properties to predict.

optimizer: OptimizerConfig


lr_scheduler: LRSchedulerConfig | None

Learning Rate Scheduler

ignore_gpu_batch_transform_error: bool

Whether to ignore data processing errors during training.

normalizers: Mapping[str, Sequence[NormalizerConfig]]

Normalizers for the properties.

Any property can be associated with multiple normalizers. This is useful for cases where we want to normalize the same property in different ways. For example, we may want to normalize the energy by subtracting the atomic reference energies, as well as by mean and standard deviation normalization.

The normalizers are applied in the order they are defined in the list.

class mattertune.configs.JMPGraphComputerConfig(*, pbc, cutoffs=CutoffsConfig(main=12.0, aeaint=12.0, qint=12.0, aint=12.0), max_neighbors=MaxNeighborsConfig(main=30, aeaint=20, qint=8, aint=1000), per_graph_radius_graph=False)[source]
pbc: bool

Whether to use periodic boundary conditions.

cutoffs: CutoffsConfig

The cutoff for the radius graph.

max_neighbors: MaxNeighborsConfig

The maximum number of neighbors for the radius graph.

per_graph_radius_graph: bool

Whether to compute the radius graph per graph.

class mattertune.configs.JSONDatasetConfig(*, type='json', src, tasks)[source]
  • type (Literal['json'])

  • src (str | Path)

  • tasks (dict[str, str])

type: Literal['json']

Discriminator for the JSON dataset.

src: str | Path

The path to the JSON dataset.

tasks: dict[str, str]

Attributes in the JSON file that correspond to the tasks to be predicted.

class mattertune.configs.L2MAELossConfig(*, name='l2_mae', reduction='mean')[source]
  • name (Literal['l2_mae'])

  • reduction (Literal['mean', 'sum'])

name: Literal['l2_mae']
reduction: Literal['mean', 'sum']

How to reduce the loss values across the batch.

  • "mean": The mean of the loss values.

  • "sum": The sum of the loss values.

class mattertune.configs.M3GNetBackboneConfig(*, properties, optimizer, lr_scheduler=None, ignore_gpu_batch_transform_error=True, normalizers={}, name='m3gnet', ckpt_path, graph_computer)[source]
  • properties (Sequence[PropertyConfig])

  • optimizer (OptimizerConfig)

  • lr_scheduler (LRSchedulerConfig | None)

  • ignore_gpu_batch_transform_error (bool)

  • normalizers (Mapping[str, Sequence[NormalizerConfig]])

  • name (Literal['m3gnet'])

  • ckpt_path (str | Path)

  • graph_computer (M3GNetGraphComputerConfig)

name: Literal['m3gnet']

The type of the backbone.

ckpt_path: str | Path

The path to the pre-trained model checkpoint.

graph_computer: M3GNetGraphComputerConfig

Configuration for the graph computer.

properties: Sequence[PropertyConfig]

Properties to predict.

optimizer: OptimizerConfig


lr_scheduler: LRSchedulerConfig | None

Learning Rate Scheduler

ignore_gpu_batch_transform_error: bool

Whether to ignore data processing errors during training.

normalizers: Mapping[str, Sequence[NormalizerConfig]]

Normalizers for the properties.

Any property can be associated with multiple normalizers. This is useful for cases where we want to normalize the same property in different ways. For example, we may want to normalize the energy by subtracting the atomic reference energies, as well as by mean and standard deviation normalization.

The normalizers are applied in the order they are defined in the list.


Creates an instance of the finetune module for this configuration.

classmethod ensure_dependencies()[source]

Ensure that all dependencies are installed.

This method should raise an exception if any dependencies are missing, with a message indicating which dependencies are missing and how to install them.

class mattertune.configs.M3GNetGraphComputerConfig(*, element_types=<factory>, cutoff=None, threebody_cutoff=None, pre_compute_line_graph=False, graph_labels=None)[source]

Configuration for initialize a MatGL Atoms2Graph Convertor.

  • element_types (tuple[str, ...])

  • cutoff (float | None)

  • threebody_cutoff (float | None)

  • pre_compute_line_graph (bool)

  • graph_labels (list[int | float] | None)

element_types: tuple[str, ...]

The element types to consider, default is all elements.

cutoff: float | None

The cutoff distance for the neighbor list. If None, the cutoff is loaded from the checkpoint.

threebody_cutoff: float | None

The cutoff distance for the three-body interactions. If None, the cutoff is loaded from the checkpoint.

pre_compute_line_graph: bool

Whether to pre-compute the line graph for three-body interactions in data preparation.

graph_labels: list[int | float] | None

The graph labels to consider, default is None.

class mattertune.configs.MAELossConfig(*, name='mae', reduction='mean')[source]
  • name (Literal['mae'])

  • reduction (Literal['mean', 'sum'])

name: Literal['mae']
reduction: Literal['mean', 'sum']

How to reduce the loss values across the batch.

  • "mean": The mean of the loss values.

  • "sum": The sum of the loss values.

class mattertune.configs.MPDatasetConfig(*, type='mp', api, fields, query)[source]

Configuration for a dataset stored in the Materials Project database.

  • type (Literal['mp'])

  • api (str)

  • fields (list[str])

  • query (dict)

type: Literal['mp']

Discriminator for the MP dataset.

api: str

Input API key for the Materials Project database.

fields: list[str]

Fields to retrieve from the Materials Project database.

query: dict

Query to filter the data from the Materials Project database.

class mattertune.configs.MPTrajDatasetConfig(*, type='mptraj', split='train', min_num_atoms=5, max_num_atoms=None, elements=None)[source]

Configuration for a dataset stored in the Materials Project database.

  • type (Literal['mptraj'])

  • split (Literal['train', 'val', 'test'])

  • min_num_atoms (int | None)

  • max_num_atoms (int | None)

  • elements (list[str] | None)

type: Literal['mptraj']

Discriminator for the MPTraj dataset.

split: Literal['train', 'val', 'test']

Split of the dataset to use.

min_num_atoms: int | None

Minimum number of atoms to be considered. Drops structures with fewer atoms.

max_num_atoms: int | None

Maximum number of atoms to be considered. Drops structures with more atoms.

elements: list[str] | None

List of elements to be considered. Drops structures with elements not in the list. Subsets are also allowed. For example, [“Li”, “Na”] will keep structures with either Li or Na.

class mattertune.configs.MSELossConfig(*, name='mse', reduction='mean')[source]
  • name (Literal['mse'])

  • reduction (Literal['mean', 'sum'])

name: Literal['mse']
reduction: Literal['mean', 'sum']

How to reduce the loss values across the batch.

  • "mean": The mean of the loss values.

  • "sum": The sum of the loss values.

class mattertune.configs.ManualSplitDataModuleConfig(*, batch_size, num_workers='auto', pin_memory=True, train, validation=None)[source]
  • batch_size (int)

  • num_workers (int | Literal['auto'])

  • pin_memory (bool)

  • train (DatasetConfig)

  • validation (DatasetConfig | None)

train: DatasetConfig

The configuration for the training data.

validation: DatasetConfig | None

The configuration for the validation data.

class mattertune.configs.MatbenchDatasetConfig(*, type='matbench', task=None, property_name=None, fold_idx=0)[source]

Configuration for the Matbench dataset.

  • type (Literal['matbench'])

  • task (str | None)

  • property_name (str | None)

  • fold_idx (Literal[0, 1, 2, 3, 4])

type: Literal['matbench']

Discriminator for the Matbench dataset.

task: str | None

The name of the self.tasks to include in the dataset.

property_name: str | None

Assign a property name for the self.task. Must match the property head in the model.

fold_idx: Literal[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

The index of the fold to be used in the dataset.

class mattertune.configs.MatterTunerConfig(*, data, model, trainer=TrainerConfig(accelerator='auto', strategy='auto', num_nodes=1, devices='auto', precision='32-true', deterministic=None, max_epochs=None, min_epochs=None, max_steps=-1, min_steps=None, max_time=None, val_check_interval=None, check_val_every_n_epoch=1, log_every_n_steps=None, gradient_clip_val=None, gradient_clip_algorithm=None, checkpoint=None, early_stopping=None, loggers='default', additional_trainer_kwargs={}))[source]
  • data (DataModuleConfig)

  • model (ModelConfig)

  • trainer (TrainerConfig)

data: DataModuleConfig

The configuration for the data.

model: ModelConfig

The configuration for the model.

trainer: TrainerConfig

The configuration for the trainer.

class mattertune.configs.MaxNeighborsConfig(*, main, aeaint, qint, aint)[source]
  • main (int)

  • aeaint (int)

  • qint (int)

  • aint (int)

main: int
aeaint: int
qint: int
aint: int
classmethod from_goc_base_proportions(max_neighbors)[source]
GOC base proportions:

max_neighbors: 30 max_neighbors_qint: 8 max_neighbors_aeaint: 20 max_neighbors_aint: 1000


max_neighbors (int)

class mattertune.configs.MeanStdNormalizerConfig(*, mean, std)[source]
  • mean (float)

  • std (float)

mean: float

The mean of the property values.

std: float

The standard deviation of the property values.

class mattertune.configs.ModelCheckpointConfig(*, dirpath=None, filename=None, monitor=None, verbose=False, save_last=None, save_top_k=1, save_weights_only=False, mode='min', auto_insert_metric_name=True, every_n_train_steps=None, train_time_interval=None, every_n_epochs=None, save_on_train_epoch_end=None, enable_version_counter=True)[source]
  • dirpath (str | None)

  • filename (str | None)

  • monitor (str | None)

  • verbose (bool)

  • save_last (Literal[True, False, 'link'] | None)

  • save_top_k (int)

  • save_weights_only (bool)

  • mode (Literal['min', 'max'])

  • auto_insert_metric_name (bool)

  • every_n_train_steps (int | None)

  • train_time_interval (timedelta | None)

  • every_n_epochs (int | None)

  • save_on_train_epoch_end (bool | None)

  • enable_version_counter (bool)

dirpath: str | None



Directory to save the model file. Default

filename: str | None



Checkpoint filename. Can contain named formatting options. Default

monitor: str | None



Quantity to monitor. Default

verbose: bool



Verbosity mode. Default

save_last: Literal[True, False, 'link'] | None



When True or “link”, saves a ‘last.ckpt’ checkpoint when a checkpoint is saved. Default

save_top_k: int



If save_top_k=k, save k models with best monitored quantity. Default

save_weights_only: bool



If True, only save model weights. Default

mode: Literal['min', 'max']



One of {‘min’, ‘max’}. For ‘min’ training stops when monitored quantity stops decreasing. Default

auto_insert_metric_name: bool



Whether to automatically insert metric name in checkpoint filename. Default

every_n_train_steps: int | None



Number of training steps between checkpoints. Default

train_time_interval: timedelta | None



Checkpoints are monitored at the specified time interval. Default

every_n_epochs: int | None



Number of epochs between checkpoints. Default

save_on_train_epoch_end: bool | None



Whether to run checkpointing at end of training epoch. Default

enable_version_counter: bool



Whether to append version to existing filenames. Default


Creates a ModelCheckpoint callback instance from this config.

class mattertune.configs.MultiStepLRConfig(*, type='MultiStepLR', milestones, gamma)[source]
  • type (Literal['MultiStepLR'])

  • milestones (list[int])

  • gamma (float)

type: Literal['MultiStepLR']

Type of the learning rate scheduler.

milestones: list[int]

List of epoch indices. Must be increasing.

gamma: float

Multiplicative factor of learning rate decay.

class mattertune.configs.NormalizerConfigBase[source]
abstract create_normalizer_module()[source]
Return type:


class mattertune.configs.OMAT24DatasetConfig(*, type='omat24', src)[source]
  • type (Literal['omat24'])

  • src (Path)

type: Literal['omat24']

Discriminator for the OMAT24 dataset.

src: Path

The path to the OMAT24 dataset.

class mattertune.configs.ORBBackboneConfig(*, properties, optimizer, lr_scheduler=None, ignore_gpu_batch_transform_error=True, normalizers={}, name='orb', pretrained_model, system=ORBSystemConfig(radius=10.0, max_num_neighbors=20))[source]
  • properties (Sequence[PropertyConfig])

  • optimizer (OptimizerConfig)

  • lr_scheduler (LRSchedulerConfig | None)

  • ignore_gpu_batch_transform_error (bool)

  • normalizers (Mapping[str, Sequence[NormalizerConfig]])

  • name (Literal['orb'])

  • pretrained_model (str)

  • system (ORBSystemConfig)

name: Literal['orb']

The type of the backbone.

pretrained_model: str

The name of the pretrained model to load.

system: ORBSystemConfig

The system configuration, controlling how to featurize a system of atoms.


Creates an instance of the finetune module for this configuration.

classmethod ensure_dependencies()[source]

Ensure that all dependencies are installed.

This method should raise an exception if any dependencies are missing, with a message indicating which dependencies are missing and how to install them.

properties: Sequence[PropertyConfig]

Properties to predict.

optimizer: OptimizerConfig


lr_scheduler: LRSchedulerConfig | None

Learning Rate Scheduler

ignore_gpu_batch_transform_error: bool

Whether to ignore data processing errors during training.

normalizers: Mapping[str, Sequence[NormalizerConfig]]

Normalizers for the properties.

Any property can be associated with multiple normalizers. This is useful for cases where we want to normalize the same property in different ways. For example, we may want to normalize the energy by subtracting the atomic reference energies, as well as by mean and standard deviation normalization.

The normalizers are applied in the order they are defined in the list.

class mattertune.configs.ORBSystemConfig(*, radius, max_num_neighbors)[source]

Config controlling how to featurize a system of atoms.

  • radius (float)

  • max_num_neighbors (int)

radius: float

The radius for edge construction.

max_num_neighbors: int

The maximum number of neighbours each node can send messages to.

class mattertune.configs.PerAtomReferencingNormalizerConfig(*, per_atom_references)[source]

per_atom_references (Mapping[int, float] | Sequence[float] | Path)

per_atom_references: Mapping[int, float] | Sequence[float] | Path

The reference values for each element.

  • If a dictionary is provided, it maps atomic numbers to reference values

  • If a list is provided, it’s a list of reference values indexed by atomic number

  • If a path is provided, it should point to a JSON file containing the references

Return type:


class mattertune.configs.PropertyConfigBase(*, name, dtype, loss, loss_coefficient=1.0)[source]
  • name (str)

  • dtype (DType)

  • loss (LossConfig)

  • loss_coefficient (float)

name: str

The name of the property.

This is the key that will be used to access the property in the output of the model.

This is also the key that will be used to access the property in the ASE Atoms object.

dtype: DType

The type of the property values.

loss: LossConfig

The loss function to use when training the model on this property.

loss_coefficient: float

The coefficient to apply to this property’s loss function when training the model.

abstract from_ase_atoms(atoms)[source]

Extract the property value from an ASE Atoms object.


atoms (Atoms)

Return type:

int | float | ndarray | Tensor

classmethod metric_cls()[source]
Return type:


abstract ase_calculator_property_name()[source]

If this property can be calculated by an ASE calculator, returns the name of the property that the ASE calculator uses. Otherwise, returns None.

This should only return non-None for properties that are supported by the ASE calculator interface, i.e.: - ‘energy’ - ‘forces’ - ‘stress’ - ‘dipole’ - ‘charges’ - ‘magmom’ - ‘magmoms’

Note that this does not refer to the new experimental custom property prediction support feature in ASE, but rather the built-in properties that ASE can calculate in the ase.calculators.calculator.Calculator class.

Return type:

ASECalculatorPropertyName | None

abstract property_type()[source]
Return type:

Literal[‘system’, ‘atom’]


Convert the property value to a format that can be used by the ASE calculator.


value (float | ndarray)

class mattertune.configs.RMSNormalizerConfig(*, rms)[source]

rms (float)

rms: float

The root mean square of the property values.

class mattertune.configs.ReduceOnPlateauConfig(*, type='ReduceLROnPlateau', mode, factor, patience, threshold=0.0001, threshold_mode='rel', cooldown=0, min_lr=0, eps=1e-08)[source]
  • type (Literal['ReduceLROnPlateau'])

  • mode (str)

  • factor (float)

  • patience (int)

  • threshold (float)

  • threshold_mode (str)

  • cooldown (int)

  • min_lr (float)

  • eps (float)

type: Literal['ReduceLROnPlateau']

Type of the learning rate scheduler.

mode: str

One of {“min”, “max”}. Determines when to reduce the learning rate.

factor: float

Factor by which the learning rate will be reduced.

patience: int

Number of epochs with no improvement after which learning rate will be reduced.

threshold: float

Threshold for measuring the new optimum.

threshold_mode: str

One of {“rel”, “abs”}. Determines the threshold mode.

cooldown: int

Number of epochs to wait before resuming normal operation.

min_lr: float

A lower bound on the learning rate.

eps: float

Threshold for testing the new optimum.

class mattertune.configs.SGDConfig(*, name='SGD', lr, momentum=0.0, weight_decay=0.0, nestrov=False)[source]
  • name (Literal['SGD'])

  • lr (Annotated[float, Gt(gt=0)])

  • momentum (Annotated[float, Ge(ge=0)])

  • weight_decay (Annotated[float, Ge(ge=0)])

  • nestrov (bool)

name: Literal['SGD']

name of the optimizer.

lr: C.PositiveFloat

Learning rate.

momentum: C.NonNegativeFloat


weight_decay: C.NonNegativeFloat

Weight decay.

nestrov: bool

Whether to use nestrov.

class mattertune.configs.StepLRConfig(*, type='StepLR', step_size, gamma)[source]
  • type (Literal['StepLR'])

  • step_size (int)

  • gamma (float)

type: Literal['StepLR']

Type of the learning rate scheduler.

step_size: int

Period of learning rate decay.

gamma: float

Multiplicative factor of learning rate decay.

class mattertune.configs.StressesPropertyConfig(*, name='stresses', dtype='float', loss, loss_coefficient=1.0, type='stresses', conservative)[source]
  • name (str)

  • dtype (DType)

  • loss (LossConfig)

  • loss_coefficient (float)

  • type (Literal['stresses'])

  • conservative (bool)

type: Literal['stresses']
name: str

The name of the property.

This is the key that will be used to access the property in the output of the model.

dtype: DType

The type of the property values.

conservative: bool

Similar to the conservative parameter in ForcesPropertyConfig, this parameter specifies whether the stresses should be computed in a conservative manner.


Extract the property value from an ASE Atoms object.


If this property can be calculated by an ASE calculator, returns the name of the property that the ASE calculator uses. Otherwise, returns None.

This should only return non-None for properties that are supported by the ASE calculator interface, i.e.: - ‘energy’ - ‘forces’ - ‘stress’ - ‘dipole’ - ‘charges’ - ‘magmom’ - ‘magmoms’

Note that this does not refer to the new experimental custom property prediction support feature in ASE, but rather the built-in properties that ASE can calculate in the ase.calculators.calculator.Calculator class.


Convert the property value to a format that can be used by the ASE calculator.

class mattertune.configs.TensorBoardLoggerConfig(*, type='tensorboard', save_dir, name='lightning_logs', version=None, log_graph=False, default_hp_metric=True, prefix='', sub_dir=None, additional_params={})[source]
  • type (Literal['tensorboard'])

  • save_dir (str)

  • name (str | None)

  • version (int | str | None)

  • log_graph (bool)

  • default_hp_metric (bool)

  • prefix (str)

  • sub_dir (str | None)

  • additional_params (dict[str, Any])

type: Literal['tensorboard']
save_dir: str

Save directory where TensorBoard logs will be saved.

name: str | None

'lightning_logs'. If empty string, no per-experiment subdirectory is used.


Experiment name. Default

version: int | str | None

Experiment version. If not specified, logger auto-assigns next available version. If string, used as run-specific subdirectory name. Default: None.

log_graph: bool

Whether to add computational graph to tensorboard. Requires model.example_input_array to be defined. Default: False.

default_hp_metric: bool

Enables placeholder metric with key hp_metric when logging hyperparameters without a metric. Default: True.

prefix: str



String to put at beginning of metric keys. Default

sub_dir: str | None

Sub-directory to group TensorBoard logs. If provided, logs are saved in /save_dir/name/version/sub_dir/. Default: None.

additional_params: dict[str, Any]



Additional parameters passed to tensorboardX.SummaryWriter. Default


Creates a TensorBoardLogger instance from this config.

class mattertune.configs.TrainerConfig(*, accelerator='auto', strategy='auto', num_nodes=1, devices='auto', precision='32-true', deterministic=None, max_epochs=None, min_epochs=None, max_steps=-1, min_steps=None, max_time=None, val_check_interval=None, check_val_every_n_epoch=1, log_every_n_steps=None, gradient_clip_val=None, gradient_clip_algorithm=None, checkpoint=None, early_stopping=None, loggers='default', additional_trainer_kwargs={})[source]
  • accelerator (str)

  • strategy (str | Strategy)

  • num_nodes (int)

  • devices (list[int] | str | int)

  • precision (Literal[64, 32, 16] | ~typing.Literal['transformer-engine', 'transformer-engine-float16', '16-true', '16-mixed', 'bf16-true', 'bf16-mixed', '32-true', '64-true'] | ~typing.Literal['64', '32', '16', 'bf16'] | None)

  • deterministic (bool | Literal['warn'] | None)

  • max_epochs (int | None)

  • min_epochs (int | None)

  • max_steps (int)

  • min_steps (int | None)

  • max_time (str | timedelta | dict[str, int] | None)

  • val_check_interval (int | float | None)

  • check_val_every_n_epoch (int | None)

  • log_every_n_steps (int | None)

  • gradient_clip_val (int | float | None)

  • gradient_clip_algorithm (str | None)

  • checkpoint (ModelCheckpointConfig | None)

  • early_stopping (EarlyStoppingConfig | None)

  • loggers (Sequence[LoggerConfig] | Literal['default'])

  • additional_trainer_kwargs (dict[str, Any])

accelerator: str

Supports passing different accelerator types (“cpu”, “gpu”, “tpu”, “ipu”, “hpu”, “mps”, “auto”) as well as custom accelerator instances.

strategy: str | Strategy

Supports different training strategies with aliases as well custom strategies. Default: "auto".

num_nodes: int

Number of GPU nodes for distributed training. Default: 1.

devices: list[int] | str | int

The devices to use. Can be set to a sequence of device indices, “all” to indicate all available devices should be used, or "auto" for automatic selection based on the chosen accelerator. Default: "auto".

precision: _PRECISION_INPUT | None

Double precision (64, ‘64’ or ‘64-true’), full precision (32, ‘32’ or ‘32-true’), 16bit mixed precision (16, ‘16’, ‘16-mixed’) or bfloat16 mixed precision (‘bf16’, ‘bf16-mixed’). Can be used on CPU, GPU, TPUs, HPUs or IPUs. Default: '32-true'.

deterministic: bool | Literal['warn'] | None

If True, sets whether PyTorch operations must use deterministic algorithms. Set to "warn" to use deterministic algorithms whenever possible, throwing warnings on operations that don’t support deterministic mode. If not set, defaults to False. Default: None.

max_epochs: int | None

Stop training once this number of epochs is reached. Disabled by default (None). If both max_epochs and max_steps are not specified, defaults to max_epochs = 1000. To enable infinite training, set max_epochs = -1.

min_epochs: int | None

Force training for at least these many epochs. Disabled by default (None).

max_steps: int

Stop training after this number of steps. Disabled by default (-1). If max_steps = -1 and max_epochs = None, will default to max_epochs = 1000. To enable infinite training, set max_epochs to -1.

min_steps: int | None

Force training for at least these number of steps. Disabled by default (None).

max_time: str | timedelta | dict[str, int] | None

Stop training after this amount of time has passed. Disabled by default (None). The time duration can be specified in the format DD:HH:MM:SS (days, hours, minutes seconds), as a datetime.timedelta, or a dictionary with keys that will be passed to datetime.timedelta.

val_check_interval: int | float | None

How often to check the validation set. Pass a float in the range [0.0, 1.0] to check after a fraction of the training epoch. Pass an int to check after a fixed number of training batches. An int value can only be higher than the number of training batches when check_val_every_n_epoch=None, which validates after every N training batches across epochs or during iteration-based training. Default: 1.0.

check_val_every_n_epoch: int | None

Perform a validation loop every after every N training epochs. If None, validation will be done solely based on the number of training batches, requiring val_check_interval to be an integer value. Default: 1.

log_every_n_steps: int | None

How often to log within steps. Default: 50.

gradient_clip_val: int | float | None

The value at which to clip gradients. Passing gradient_clip_val=None disables gradient clipping. If using Automatic Mixed Precision (AMP), the gradients will be unscaled before. Default: None.

gradient_clip_algorithm: str | None

The gradient clipping algorithm to use. Pass gradient_clip_algorithm="value" to clip by value, and gradient_clip_algorithm="norm" to clip by norm. By default it will be set to "norm".

checkpoint: ModelCheckpointConfig | None

The configuration for the model checkpoint.

early_stopping: EarlyStoppingConfig | None

The configuration for early stopping.

loggers: Sequence[LoggerConfig] | Literal['default']

The loggers to use for logging training metrics.

If "default", will use the CSV logger + the W&B logger if available. Default: "default".

additional_trainer_kwargs: dict[str, Any]

Additional keyword arguments for the Lightning Trainer.

This is for advanced users who want to customize the Lightning Trainer, and is not recommended for beginners.

class mattertune.configs.WandbLoggerConfig(*, type='wandb', name=None, save_dir='.', version=None, offline=False, dir=None, id=None, anonymous=None, project=None, log_model=False, prefix='', experiment=None, checkpoint_name=None, additional_init_parameters={})[source]
  • type (Literal['wandb'])

  • name (str | None)

  • save_dir (str)

  • version (str | None)

  • offline (bool)

  • dir (str | None)

  • id (str | None)

  • anonymous (bool | None)

  • project (str | None)

  • log_model (Literal['all'] | bool)

  • prefix (str)

  • experiment (Any | None)

  • checkpoint_name (str | None)

  • additional_init_parameters (dict[str, Any])

type: Literal['wandb']
name: str | None



Display name for the run. Default

save_dir: str



Path where data is saved. Default

version: str | None



Sets the version, mainly used to resume a previous run. Default

offline: bool



Run offline (data can be streamed later to wandb servers). Default

dir: str | None



Same as save_dir. Default

id: str | None



Same as version. Default

anonymous: bool | None



Enables or explicitly disables anonymous logging. Default

project: str | None



The name of the project to which this run will belong. Default

log_model: Literal['all'] | bool

False. If ‘all’, checkpoints are logged during training. If True, checkpoints are logged at the end of training. If False, no checkpoints are logged.


Whether/how to log model checkpoints as W&B artifacts. Default

prefix: str



A string to put at the beginning of metric keys. Default

experiment: Any | None



WandB experiment object. Automatically set when creating a run. Default

checkpoint_name: str | None



Name of the model checkpoint artifact being logged. Default

additional_init_parameters: dict[str, Any]



Additional parameters to pass to wandb.init(). Default


Creates a WandbLogger instance from this config.

class mattertune.configs.XYZDatasetConfig(*, type='xyz', src)[source]
  • type (Literal['xyz'])

  • src (str | Path)

type: Literal['xyz']

Discriminator for the XYZ dataset.

src: str | Path

The path to the XYZ dataset.









